Why are you here?

Peut-être vous recherchez un emplacement française au sujet de plastique, si ainsi ; désolé.

If you are here in search of information on mouldable explosives or an obscure DC character, I suggest you try Wikipedia.

However if you are looking for crap poetry of a socio-political nature, look no further...
Moritori te Salutamus
"We who are about to die, salute you."
We put our lives in your hands,
to exploit far off lands;
to assure media hegemony;
to control the global economy;
to retain our violent monopoly.

Whilst you are being bored by consumerist leisure,
we are dying on the sands,
for your voyeurist pleasure.

"For the Senate and People of the Republic of Rome."
For the dominance of our State,
we will not hesitate,
to manipulate anti-Islamic hate.
For the top ratings of our time,
we follow the Nationalist line,
and support the perpetual war,
no matter what it's for.

For the bread and circuses of the people at home!

Dolce et Decorum est Pro Patria Mori
"It is sweet and proper to die for your country",
was the lie exposed by Wilfred Owen,
when he saw bodies blown,
to bits by even justified wars.
Yet we still seek the jaws,
of bloody, brutal, battle,
and youths still die like cattle,
not to the machine gun rattle,
but the flashes of TV crews,
to be immortalised by the late night news.

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